Monday, February 3, 2014


Vacancy Ref.:
Closing date:
Post Level
Job Category
Social Sciences
Immdiate Supervisor
Director, Trade & Industry
Duty Station
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


The African Union, established as a unique Pan-African continental body, ischarged with
spearheading Africa's rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples ofAfrica and African States as well as developing a new partnership worldwide.Its Headquarters is located in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia In seekingto achieve this objective, the African Union intends to strengthen its capacityto deliver by, among others, the implementation of a new organizational structureand the filling of all vacant posts.

1.  Post:

Post title:                  Head Customs Cooperation
Post level:                P5
Department:             Trade andIndustry
Supervisor:              Director,Trade & Industry
Duty Station:           Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Job Objectives
Under the direct supervision of the Director, Trade andIndustry, incumbent’s mission is to manage all the resources of the Division (Human, Financial etc.)  through planning, budgeting, implementation,monitoring and evaluation processes with the overall objective of  executing the AUC’s annual work plan andstrategic plans in line with the Abuja Treaty. The overarching framework and decisions relating to Boosting Intra-AfricanTrade and the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area will be thecentral focus in the medium
Specific deliverables
  1. To coordinate, monitor, supervise and evaluate the implementation of projects and programmes in Customs cooperation, Trade facilitation and security of the International Supply Chain, Customs Reform and Modernization, Capacity building and Customs Unions harmonization and convergence programmes; Coordinate the evaluation and review of  academic programs and curriculum development
  2. To formulate appropriate policies and plans of action and develop programmes and project proposals, from a Customs perspective, on trade liberalization and trade policies within the RECs, and on the improvement of the performance of African countries in global trade;
  3. To advise the Commissioner through the Director of the Department on the Critical areas of Customs Unions in Africa, with special focus on Trade Facilitation and Regional Integration
  4. To coordinate the operations and lead the Secretariat of the Customs Network so as to build networks and fosters partnerships with Member States, Regional and sub-Regional bodies, Inter governmental and intergovernmental organizations and the private seector on matters pertaining to Customs, Trade Facilitation and Regional Integration.
  5. To direct substantive inputs into servicing of meetings, seminars, workshops and training of the Division.
  6. To coordinate and conduct studies and research in fields related to the work of the Division/Department;
  7. To lead and participate in dissemination and outreach activities of the Divisions’ work outcomes as well as coordinating self-assessment and evaluation exercises relating to impact of Divisions’ work program and activities on the stakeholders.
  8. To ensure overall management of the Division: personnel, budget, performance, quality, discipline and training in conformity with relevant rules and procedures in force;  
  9. To produce and submit periodic reports on activities and specific missions;
  10. To perform any other duty as may be assigned.
Occasional Duties
     i.       ToAct as Interim Director in the absence of the substantive Director
   ii.       Toparticipate in strategic Missions and International events
Positions under his/hersupervision
      i.       SeniorPolicy Officer Customs
    ii.       PolicyOfficer, Customs
Key Results and Output
     i.       Successfulcompletion of planned events and programmes
   ii.       Efficientutilization of funds to obtain the targeted outputs/ coutcomes
  iii.       Highlycompetent and motivated staff whose capacities are permanently being enhanced
Judgement and Decision Making
As a junior manager, the Head  is authorized to make decisions and takeaction on all tactical and operational matters that relate to divisional policy
       I.       Education: Must hold a Masters Unversity Degreein Economics or Law with specialization in International Economics orInternational Law. Professional qualifications from a recognized and reputableCustoms Training Institute will be an added Advantage.

      II.       Experience:
At least ten (10) years of relevant workingexperience in the Customs administration of a Member State and/or RegionalEconomic Community, of which at least three (3) years should be at managementlevel in the area of international and regional matters.

Additional Skills
      i.       GoodStrategic, Tactical and operational management
    ii.       Planningand organizational
   iii.       HRManagement   including the ability to organizeand motivate others and to work in a multicultural environment
   iv.       Workingknowledge of Policy Analysis
   v.       Excellentcommunication and negotiating skills
4.Language Requirement:
Proficiency in one of the African Union workinglanguages. Knowledge of one or several other working languages would be anadded advantage.
5.Age Requirement:
 Candidates must preferably be between 35 and 50years old.
6.Tenure of Appointment:
The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract for a period of three(3) years, of with the first twelve months will be considered as a probationaryperiod. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of two years renewable,subject to satisfactory performance and deliverable s.
7. Candidates from the following least represented countries are encouragedto apply: Eretria, Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC),Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi ArabRepublic, SaoTome and Principe, Seychelles and Somalia.

8.Gender Mainstreaming:

The AUCommission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are stronglyencouraged to apply.

9.Remuneration::Indicativebasic salary of US$ 47,829.00 per annum plus other related entitlementse.g. Post adjustment (46% of basic salary), Housing allowance 16,819.20 perineum),education allowance (75% of tuition and other education related expenses forevery eligible dependent up to a maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum),etc for internationally recruited staff of the Commission.

Applications must be made through the AUCE-recruitment Website  not later than 27 March2014.


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