Vacancy Ref.:
Closing date:
Post Level
Job Category
Social Sciences
Immdiate Supervisor
Rapporteur of the Board and the Director for Political
Affairs (AUC)
Duty Station
Arusha, Tanzania
The African
UnionAdvisory Board on Corruption (the Board) is an autonomous organ
establishedwithin the African Union, in terms of Article 22 of the African
UnionConvention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (the Convention). The
mainmandate of the Board is to promote and encourage the adoption of measures
andactions by State Parties to prevent, detect, punish and eradicate
corruptionand related offences in Africa as well as to follow-up on the
application ofthose measures. In seeking to achieve these objectives, the
Board intends tostrengthen its capacity to deliver, by amongst others, the
implementation ofthe adopted organizational structure and the filling of
vacant posts.
The African Union
Commissioninvites citizens of African Union Member States to submit
application for theposition of the Executive Secretaryto the Board. In
this capacity, the Executive Secretary to the Board willbe the Head of the
Secretariat of the Board, a structure established to providesubstantive,
professional, administrative and logistical support to the Board.
1. Post
Job Title: Executive Secretaryof
the Advisory Board on Corruption
Post Level: P5
Unit: Secretariat
of the AdvisoryBoard on Corruption
Supervisor: Rapporteur
of theBoard and the Director for Political Affairs (AUC)
Duty Station: Arusha,
2. Major duties and responsibilities
· Representthe
Board at inter-departmental and partnership meetings as well as at the
AUstatutory meetings when delegated by the Board’s Chairperson;
· Assistin
developing and maintaining appropriate working relations with others AUOrgans
and partners on issues relating to fight against corruption and
· Advisegovernments,
Regional Economic Communities, the AU and other national and internationalorganizations
on matters related to preventing and combating corruption inAfrica;
· Providethe
overall supervision and coordination of programmes development
andimplementation as well as the mobilization and management of
administration andfinance resource of the Secretariat;
· Providesupport
to the networks of States Parties Anti-corruption agencies or bodies;
· Developin
close collaboration with other AU structures and organs African
Unionanti-corruption implementation tools;
· Initiateand
maintain partnerships with similar other regional organizations with theview
of strengthening South to South anti-corruption cooperation;
· Initiateand
commission research and studies on the state of corruption in Africa;
· Organizeseminars,
workshops and other related activities in the field of good governanceand
combating corruption with various stakeholders;
· Beresponsible
for the overall day to day management of the human, material andfinancial
resources of the Secretariat;
· Reportto
the Board through its Rapporteur;
· Performany
other duties as may be assigned by the Board.
3. Qualifications and Work Experience
Ø Must hold
at least a UniversityMaster’s Degree in Political Science, Public Law, Public
Administration, InternationalRelations, Diplomacy and/or related fields;
Ø Must
have at least minimumten (10) years of relevant theoretical and practical
working experience in theareas of democracy and good governance, of which at
least 5 years should be insenior management at the international level;
Ø Must
demonstrate a provenknowledge and experience on budget planning and programme
management as well asadministration;
Ø Must
demonstrate excellentmanagement skills;
Ø Must
have knowledgein diplomatic protocol and the workings of international
Ø Must
have excellentinterpersonal skills and integrity credential,
Ø Must
have drafting,reporting, communication and negotiating skills;
Ø Must
have goodanalytical capability and ability to pay attention to details;
Ø Must
demonstrate leadershipand team building abilities;
Ø Must
have capacity towork under pressure in a multicultural and multilingual
Ø Must
have the abilityto act with discretion in a politically sensitive environment
and to establishgood working relationship with government authorities as well
as with CivilSociety and partner organizations;
Ø Should
be computerliterate.
4. Language requirement
Proficiency in one
ofthe AU working languages (English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese) is a
must.Active knowledge of one or all other working languages would be an
5. Age requirement
mustpreferably be between 35 and 50years old.
6. Tenure of Appointment
The appointment
willbe made on a fixed term contract for a period of three (3) years, of with
thefirst twelve months will be considered as a probationary period.
Thereafter,the contract will be for a period of two years renewable, subject
tosatisfactory performance and deliverables.
7. Gender Mainstreaming:
The African
UnionAdvisory Board on Corruption is an equal opportunity employer and
qualified womenare strongly encouraged to apply.
8. Least represented Countries:
Candidates from
thefollowing least represented countries are encouraged to apply: Eretria,
CentralAfrican Republic, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (DRC), Djibouti,
EquatorialGuinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Sahrawi Arab Republic,
SaoTome and Principe,Seychelles and Somalia.
9. Remuneration
basicsalary of US$ 47,829.00 per annum plus other related entitlements e.g.
Postadjustment (42% of basic salary – Arusha, Tanzania Rate), Housing
allowanceUS$21,196.80 per annum), education allowance (75% of tuition and
othereducation related expenses for every eligible dependent (up to 21 years
of age)up to a maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc for
internationallyrecruited staff of the Commission.
Applications must
be made through the AUCE-recruitment Website
not later than 29 March 2014.
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