Thursday, December 19, 2013

Health Extension Program Advisor

Job Title: Health Extension Program Advisor
Location: Windhoek, Namibia
Posting Date: 12/17/2013
Deadline Date: 12/20/2013
Starting Date: 01/01/2014


The Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) is the custodian of health and social services and oversees, provides and regulates all public, private and non-governmental sectors in the provision of quality health and social services. USAID is a partner to the Ministry’s efforts and provides technical assistance, directly and through specialized local and international organizations, to support the Namibia's delivery of high quality evidence-based public health programs to all Namibians.

Based on USAID’s technical assistance program to support public health objectives the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) is expected to provide specialized technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Social Services and national and regional stakeholders in the following areas: Supporting the Namibia Health Extension Program; Strategic models HIV/AIDS service integration; Addressing Teenage Pregnancy Prevention; and Health Information Systems.

MCHIP provides technical assistance that is designed to achieve impact at scale by maximizing the contributions of each level of the health service--from the community to the national level. MCHIP will work collaboratively with all key stakeholders, specifically the MoHSS, to focus on USAID’s Principle of Transition and reflect country ownership of the collaborative design and management of the MCHIP program in Namibia. John Snow Inc. (JSI) leads MCHIP’s work in child health, immunization and pediatric HIV/AIDS and brings several decades of experience in health systems strengthening and MNCH to the project team.


The Health Extension Program (HEP) Advisor will work under the supervision of the Chief of Party to assist with a number of HEP related activities to help bridge the gap between the community and public health sector, including coordination with MoHSS and other partners in the development and review of key documents (e.g. HEP strategy, budgeted motivation plan, training and capacity building strategy); participate in the national steering committee and Kunene regional task force; supervise and support the Regional Extension Officer based in Kunene; support activities developed at regional level in coordination with Regional Extension Officer; coordinate with partners and MoHSS the implementation process of pilot intervention in Kunene and support MoHSS and other regions in the initial expansion process of the HEP; support data gathering and analysis, as well as evidence based planning and problem solving at regional and national level; coordinate interventions with other MCHIP Namibia team members, and support the overall process in terms of documentation of the experience, advocacy of the HEP at all levels, development of operational research if appropriate among others.

Specific Responsibilities

Specific responsibilities include, but will not be limited to the following:

A. Assist and support the National HEP Steering Committee to:
  • 1) Develop and/or update key documents (policies, strategies, guidelines) that support the HEP expansion
  • 2) Compile and disseminate results and lessons learned of the HEP pilot intervention
  • 3) Closely coordinate with partners activities and interventions, monitor and present regular results and adjust interventions according to findings 
  • 4) Support the development of the HEP end-line evaluation
  • 5) Plan and prepare for first expansion phase of the HEP

B. Co-sponsor the first national HEP review

C. Partner with MoHSS in:
  • 1) Preparation of the proposal/ justification for the institutionalization of the HEW cadre
  • 2) Development of the human resource management guide 
  • 3) Development of HEP operational guide for use by regions and districts

D. Supervise consultants that will support the development of training/ supervision materials, human resource development guide, as well as the quality improvement system for HEW training

E. Support the Regional Extension Officer based in the Kunene Region in the development and implementation of the regional workplan, in coordination with the Regional HEP Task Force

F. Coordinate with Health Information Systems Advisor for the introduction of HEP indicators as part of the HIS system

G. Coordinate and work closely with M&E Advisor (data gathering, data analysis and presentation, evidence based decision making and planning)

H. In coordination with MCHIP/Namibia Finance and Administrative Assistant, ensure all HEP-related administrative and logistical aspects of organizing meetings and workshops.

I. Perform other HEP related activities as discussed with supervisor


  • A diploma or degree in Public Health 
  • Proven capacity in strategic planning
  • 5 or more years of program management experience in Namibia or a developing country
  • Strong representational and interpersonal skills
  • Experience with USAID management and financial procedures are an advantage
  • Proven capacity to work as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Experience with community extension programs and/or community maternal and child health interventions in Namibia or a developing country
  • Experience working with MoHSS and other government institutions in Namibia or another developing country are an advantage
  • Experience with quality improvement approaches is an advantage

Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 12/20/2013.


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