Friday, January 3, 2014

SAVF: Manager - Louis Hildebrandt Children’s Home (Volksrust)

Minimum requirements:
  • BA SW Degree and registered as Social Worker at SACSSP; or
  • Degree in Human Science or Management Science;
  • Minimum of 8 years’ experience in one or more of the above mentioned;
  • Qualification or experience in Child and Youth care serves as a recommendation;
  • Knowledgeable about latest developments in the welfare field;
  • Managerial, financial and personnel management skills;
  • Communication and negotiation skills;
  • Marketing and fundraising experience and skills;
  • Bilingualism (English and Afrikaans), third language serves as a recommendation;
  • Code EB (8) driver’s licence.
Fringe Benefits:

  • Housing available at reasonable rent;
  • Pension or Provident fund;
  • Ample leave;
  • Salary: Negotiable, annual bonus.

Starting date: As soon as possible
Closing date for application: 15 January 2014
Enquiries: Personnel Officer: Mrs L Megit, Tel: 012 325 3920, Fax: 012 324 4109

For more about Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie, refer to

Posbus / PO Box 40526, ARCADIA 0007
Tel: 012 325 3920
Fax: 012 324 4109


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