Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst

Job Title: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst

Organization: United Nations Volunteers (UNV)

Host entity: UN Women

Assignment country: China

Expected start date: 01/11/2023

Sustainable Development Goal: 5. Gender equality

Volunteer category: National UN Youth Volunteer

Type: Onsite

Duration: 12 months

Number of assignments: 1

Duty stations: Beijing


Mission and objectives

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women China Office is implementing programmes in women’s economic empowerment, ending violence against women and strengthening governance through gender responsive research, le-gal and policy frameworks at the national and provincial levels as well as holds a strong partner-ship, communication, and advocacy portfolio. The office is currently development Strategic Note (SN) 2021-2025, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, 2021-2025, with aim of scaling up its programmatic and partnership efforts in the country. Reporting to the Programme and Partnership Specialist, the UN Youth Volunteer on Gender Equality and Youth Engagement will help develop innovative partnerships that support the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in China’s philanthropic community, develop mentor-ship programmes aimed at empowering young women, and create partnerships tackling gender stereotypes in cyberspace, including social media and gaming.

Task description

• Liaison with RO planning and M&E specialists to ensure alignment to the corporate standards related to planning, monitoring and evaluation. • Follow up on required action/outstanding issues and report on outcome/ result. Alert the Country Representative/ CO on critical issues to be addressed. • Participate in and provide support to joint inter-agency UN planning processes and similar exercises. • Prepare briefing materials for the office on issues to be discussed in the UN and other events and meetings. • Assist and coordinate monitoring indicators, monitoring calendars, and field monitoring plans and quality assurance processes; ensure the use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations are incorporated to program formulation. • Coordinate and finalize annual work plan monitoring, reviews, and reporting. • Coordinate on UN Women annual report as well as other corporate reporting requirements as per set deadlines/timelines • Ensure the availability (including collecting and maintaining) of data for related reporting requirements, mid-term reviews, and final evaluations. • Manage the development and dissemination of good practices and lessons learned; ensure incorporation into programme planning. • Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of Monitoring & Re-porting among all staff members through communication, training, learning and hands-on technical assistance. • Establish and manage database of office’s knowledge products, planning and programme management tools and resources Furthermore, UNVs are encouraged to: • Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and taking an active part in UNV activities (for in-stance, IVD celebration events); • Get acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country; • Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking; • Contribute news and articles on field experiences and submit them to UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.; • Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly arrived UNV volunteers; • Promote online volunteering and encourage individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering Service whenever technically feasible. Results/Expected Output: • Enhanced knowledge on gender related issues • Improved experience working effectively in a culturally diverse team and engaging in collaborative efforts across diverse agencies to achieve better result. • Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout the assignment. • A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.

Eligibility criteria


18 - 26

Additional eligibility criteria



Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.

Donor priorities



Required experience

1 years of experience in monitoring and reporting of programmes including development of M&E mechanisms (in-dicators, targets) of programmes is highly recommended • Experience working in gender equality and women’s rights at the international level is an asset; • Experience in development of annual reports and document is desirable • Experience working within the UN system, Agencies, Funds or Programs is preferred

Area(s) of expertise


Driving license



Chinese, Level: Working knowledge, Required English, Level: Working knowledge, Required

Required education level

Bachelor degree or equivalent in international development, public administration, public policy, etc. Master's degree is preferable.

Competencies and values

Accountability Adaptability and Flexibility Client Orientation Commitment and Motivation Commitment to Continuous Learning Communication Creativity Integrity Professionalism Respect for Diversity Self-Management Technological Awareness Working in Teams Learning Expectations Learning and development are a central part of the UN Youth Volunteer’s assignment and take place be-fore, during and after his or her assignment in the field. Ideally, offering diverse opportunities for learning and development aim to strengthen the volunteer’s skills and competences, improve the quality of the assignment and keep the volunteer’s motivation high. Learning elements for the UN Youth Volunteer include the development of: Professional skills: including specific competencies and reflection on assignment-related abilities; and on-the-job skills such as time management, problem solving, team building; and career preparedness such as interview skills, CV preparation, job searching. Inter-personal skills: including communication and listening skills; multi-cultural awareness and cultural competency; and conflict and stress management. Volunteering-related skills: including leadership; civic responsibility; and engagement and active participation. Beyond the learning opportunities provided by UNV, the host agency will support knowledge and capacity development in the technical areas that are relevant to the UN Youth Volunteer’s assignment. The host agency will provide, at its expense, UN Youth Volunteers with equal opportunity to participate in training courses and workshops offered to its personnel.

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

The duty station of the national UN Volunteer is located in Beijing city, where modest public infra-structure and excellent health services are available. It is the foremost political and cultural metropolis in China. In general, rent for apartments in central locations is high relative to other regions in China, but quality is good. Beijing is well served by many shopping malls, large supermarket chains and inter-national brands. Buses and subways are the most common form of mass transportation. Metered taxis are widely available and domestic and regional travel by train and airplane is popular. Conditions of Service for national UN Volunteers The National UN Volunteer receives a standard volunteer living allowance (VLA), which is intended to cover their accommodation and basic living expenses. In China the VLA is 8161.91 RMB per month. The National UN Volunteer is entitled to an excellent health, life and disability insurance package. A modest Settling-in Grant and end of assignment allowance will also be provided, along with travel to and from the duty station. International travel to duty station will not covered by UNV. The National UN Volunteer is entitled to 2.5 days personal leave per month and government official holidays.

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements

Selected candidates for certain occupational groups may be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in line with the applicable host entity policy

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