Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions:
1. Principal Engineer/Scientist-Certification Vacancy No. 7/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful candidate will be expected to promote the adoption of standards and quality assurance policies and practices within a sector to enhance the delivery of, and public awareness of their rights to, quality goods and services and provide certification services.
The successful candidate will have at least a degree in engineering or natural sciences or equivalent and a valid driving licence as well as at least four years practical experience in the development and/or implementation of standards. Specialised postgraduate training in standards research and development or implementation would be an added advantage.

2. Scientist-Testing (Chemistry): Vacancy No. 8/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful applicant will be expected to promote the adoption of standards and quality assurance policies and practices within a sector to enhance the delivery of, and public awareness of their rights to, quality goods and services and provide technical services within a specialized Testing area (Chemistry).
The successful applicant will have a minimum of a Degree in Chemistry and a valid driving licence. Relevant experience would be an added advantage.

3. Scientist-Compulsory Standards (Agriculture) tenable at Francistown Branch: Vacancy No. 9/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful candidate will be expected to enforce compliance with compulsory standards and promote quality assurance policies and practices to enhance the delivery of goods and services to protect the public in the interest of health and safety, and public awareness of their rights to, quality goods and services and provide inspection services within a specialized area.
The successful candidate will have a minimum of a Degree in Agriculture and a valid driving licence. Relevant experience would be an added advantage. 2

4. Technician Testing (Chemistry): Vacancy No. 10/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful candidate will be expected to promote the adoption of standards and quality assurance policies and practices within a sector to enhance the delivery of, and public awareness of their rights to, quality goods and services and provide technical services within a specialised quality assurance area (Testing).
The successful candidate will have a Diploma in the natural sciences with specialised training in Chemistry, a valid driving licence and at least three years work experience in analytical sampling and testing in a commercial/industrial laboratory.

5. Assistant Technician Testing (Chemistry): Vacancy No. 11/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful candidate will be expected to carry out basic analytical tests (on-site and in the laboratory) in accordance with laid down procedures, report results and maintain records
The successful candidate will have a Certificate course in laboratory technology with specialised training in Chemistry, one year experience on sampling, testing and laboratory procedures as well as a valid driving licence.

6. Office Secretary-Department of Commercial Enterprises: Vacancy No. 12/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful applicant will be expected to provide secretarial and office support services to the Department of Commercial Enterprises and ensure the cost efficient provision of administrative services to facilitate the achievement of departmental objectives.
The successful applicant will have a minimum of a Diploma in Secretarial Studies, a valid driving licence and 2 years as personal secretary with office management experience

7. Facilities Officer: Vacancy No. 13/2014/2015
Job Summary and Requirements
The successful candidate will be expected to manage and oversee all of the Facilities and administrative functions relating to procurement of planned preventative and reactive maintenance of the BOBS facilities.
The successful candidate will have at least a Diploma in Building Construction or a related field and
a valid driving licence.At least 5 years practical experience, 3 years of which should have been in a supervisory position of facilities operations and maintenance of properties, preferably with mechanical and electrical work experience. Experience and knowledge in plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning, roofing, asphalt-concrete surfaces, building water penetration maintenance, trouble shooting and associated maintenance issues required. 3

BOBS offers competitive and attractive remuneration packages to the most suitable candidates
A detailed CV, names of three referees and certified copies of certificates should accompany applications which should be clearly marked on the envelope the position and vacancy number applied for. Electronic applications should strictly be sent under one file/folder containing copies of the required documents. Applicants are also advised to indicate their current salary packages.

BOBS will only enter into correspondence with candidates that comply with the specified requirements and are shortlisted.

Applications should be received on or before 31st October 2014 and should be addressed to:
The Managing Director
Botswana Bureau of Standards
Private Bag BO 48
Plot 55745, Main Airport Road,
Block 8, Gaborone
Or E-mail to:
Telephone Number: 3903200.
Fax Number: 3903120.

Toll Free Number: 0800 600 900


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