Monday, February 3, 2014


Vacancy Ref.:
Closing date:
Post Level
Job Category
Immdiate Supervisor
Duty Station
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

                             SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE COMMISSION
TheAfrican Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is chargedwith spearheading Africa’s rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples ofAfrica and African States as well as developing a new partnership worldwide.Its Headquarters is located in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia.  
Inseeking to achieve this objective, the African Union intends to strengthen itscapacity to deliver by, among others, the implementation of its organizationalstructure and the filling of all vacant posts by African Nationals from its MemberStates.

  1. Post:
Job title:                    SECRETARYGENERAL OF THE COMMISSION
Grade:                       D1
Duty Station:           Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  

Organizational  Setting and Reporting Relationships: This positionis located in the Officeof the Chairperson of the Commission. The Secretary General usually reports tothe Chairperson of the Commission or the designee through the Chief of Staff.

Objectives of thePosition:
·        Provide leadershipand vision for the work of the Office of the Secretary General of theCommission;
·        Contribute as amember of the strategic management team to issues of conceptual, strategicandpolicy nature;
·        Provide policyadvice on a broad range of issues including programme coordination, andcooperative programmes with AU Organs;
·        Serve as theCommission focal point for relations and communications with member states andthe Union Organs and ensure smooth relations between the Commission and allUnion Organs;
·        Serve as the Secretariatof the Commission, with regard to planning, managing and servicing the Unionand the Commission meetings ;
·        Assist theChairperson of the Commission in monitoring the implementation of the Decisionsof the Union’s Policy Organs;
·        Serve as the institutionalmemory Office/Unit for the Commission and other Organs of the AU;
·        Assist the chief ofstaff in the Bureau of the Chairperson in the discharging of his responsibilityforinter-departmental and directorate coordination.

Work implies frequentinteraction with the following:
·         The Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson,Commissioner and Chief of Staff as well as heads of other Organs of the Union;
·        Managers staffwithin the Office;
·        Assists the Chiefof Staff in the management of staff inother Departments, external andrepresentational offices and Missions;
·        Liaises with Memberstates and embassies of member states accredited to the African Union onsecretariat matters, meetings;
·        Participates in anycapacity, if appointed in various AU policy making bodies, Committees andSub-Committees.

Duties and Responsibilities:
·        Responsible for thedevelopment and evaluation of the programme of the Office of the Secretary Generalof the Commission. Establishes priorities and objectives for the work of theOffice and organizes resources to achieve the objectives;
·        Directs and managesthe Office of the Secretary General;
·        Coordinates theformulation and implementation of the substantive work programme of the Officeof the Secretary General;
·        Contributes to theformulation of the commission overall strategies and policies by preparingdocuments on policy issues and acting,as required, in an advisory capacity tothe Chairperson of the Commission;
·        Acts as Secretaryto all the Commission leadership meetings,services, prepares and disseminatesreports of these meetingsas appropriate;
·        Serves as Secretaryof all policy Organs and manage the work of coordinating the preparation andholding of the meetings of the Union Policy organs, the Assembly, the ExecutiveCouncil andthe PRC and its sub-committees and STCs;
·        Coordinates andoversees the preparation of reports and Decisions of all policy Organs of theUnion and ensures that they are properly finalized, and disseminated on time toMember States;
·        Ensures that alldocumentation for the meetings and the work of the above Organs are properlyprepared, in line with the vision and mission of the Union, are duly processedand dispatched on time to Member States;
·        Responsible forcoordination and correpondence with member states,Organs and external partnerson all matters relating to the Union Policy meetings matters, includinginvitations to these meetings.
·        Acts as custodianof the Union Decisions and policy directives and ensures that all documents areproperly stored and accessible at any time and to manage a Databank ofdocumentation of the Union;
·        Ensures thatfollow-up to meetings of the Commission and other Organs are carried outefficiently and rapidly for timely implementation;
·        Establisheshorizontal linkages between various Departments, Directorates, Units andextenal offices for smooth coordination of programmes and activities and timelyimplementation of decisions emanating from policy Organs, the Commission andmanagement;
·        Assists the Chiefof staff in chairing the Meetings of Directors and providing guidance on thestrategic direction from the Commission;
·        As a senior staff,if requested, represents the Commission at international,regional and bilateralmeetings, provides substantive expertiseon issues and hold dicussions withrepresentative of member states and other institutions as appropriate;
·        Performs any otherrelevant duties, as may be assigned by the Chairperson.

Results expected: Effective management andsupervision of the office of the Secretary of the Commission. Efficientdelivery of services to the Commission. Proven leadership in the development ofinnovative programmes with significant impact on the overall effectiveness ofthe Commission. Timely and considered advice to the Commission. Intellectualand professional leadership for overall strategy, quality, delivery andresults.

·        Professionalism:Demonstratesknowledge of the managementand coordination of a large and complex organizational unit requiring amulti-disciplinary approach. Shows ability to prepare reports on variousissues, and review and edit work of others and ability to apply AU rules,regulations, policies and guidelines. Conscientious, efficient, meetingscommitments, observe deadlines and achieve results; show persistence and remaincalm in stressful situations;
·        Communication:Speaks and writes clearly and effectively and demonstrates openness in sharinginformation and keeping people informed;
·        Teamwork:Workscollaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational objectives, solicitsinputs and values others contributions, shares credit for team accomplishmentsand accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings;
·        Planningand organizing: Develops clear goals,identifies prioritiesand adjusts priorities as required. Allocates time and resources for completingwork, foresees risk and allows for contingencies, monitors and adjust plan asrequired;
·        Accountability:Takes ownership of all responsibilities and honours commitments, delivers onoutputs for which he/she is responsible, comply with AU rules and regulations,supports subordinates and takes responsibility for delegated assignments, takespersonal responsibility for his /her own shortcomings and those of the teamwhere applicable;
·        Creativity:Activelyseeks to improve programmes and services, offers new and different options tosolve problems, promotes and persuades others to consider new ideas, thinksoutside the box, and takes an interest in new ideas and ways;
·        ClientOrientation:Considers all those to whom services isprovided as clients, establishes and maintains productive relationships withclients, keeps informed of client needs and anticipates problems, deliverstimely service to clients;
·        Commitmentto continuous learning: Keeps abreast of new developments in hisfield, seeks to develop self professionally and personally, contributes to thelearning of colleagues and subordinates, willingness to learn from others;
·        Technological awareness: Keeps abreast of available technology; understandsapplicability and limitation of technology to the work of the office; activelyseeks to apply technology to appropriate tasks; shows willingness to learn newtechnology.

Managerial Competencies:
·        Leadership: Serves as a role model: empowers others to translate visioninto results; is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives;anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions;drives for change and improvements; shows the courage to take unpopular stands.Provides leadership and takes responsibility forincorporating gender perspectives
·        Vision: Identifies strategic issues, opportunities and risks;clearly communicates links between the AU’s strategy and the office’s goals;generates and communicates broad and compelling organizational direction,inspires others to exel; conveys enthusiasm about future possibilities.
·        Empowering Others: Delegates responsibility, clarifies expectations, and givesstaff autonomy in important areas of their work, holds others accountable forachieving results related to their area of responsibility; genuinely values allstaff members’ input and expertise; shows appreciation and rewards achievementand effort; involves others when making decisions that affect them.
·        Building Trust: Provides an environment in which others can talk and actwithout fear of repercussion, operates with transparency; places confidences incolleagues, staff members and clients;; treats sensitive or confidential informationappropriately.
·        Managing Performance: Delegates the appropriate responsibility, accountability anddecision-making authority; makes sure that roles, responsibilities andreporting lines are clear to each staff member;; monitors progress against milestonesand deadlines; regularly discusses performance and provides feedback andcoaching to staff; appraises performance fairly.
·        Judgement/Decision-making: Identifies the key issues ina complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly; gathersrelevant information before making a decision; takes decisions with an eye tothe impact on others and on the AU; proposes a course of action or makes arecommendation based on all available information; checks assumptions againstfacts; makes tough decisions when necessary.

2.   Qualifications:

Education:  Advanceduniversity degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) inmanagement, business orpublic administration, finance, accounting, law, social sciences or relatedarea.
Experience:                                                                                                                                                       Over fifteen years of progressively responsible experiencemanagement, administration, logistics, financial management, budget or relatedfield.

Language:  Fluency in one of the working languages of the AU, English orFrench, (both oral and written) is required; knowledge of the other isdesirable. Knowledge of another AU official language is an advantage.

3.  Languagerequirement :
Proficiencyin one of the African Union working languages. Proficiency of one or severalother working language(s) would be an added value
4.    Age requirement:
    Candidates must preferably be between 35and 50 years old.               

5.   Tenure of Appointment:

The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract fora period of three (3) years, of with the first twelve months will be consideredas a probationary period. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of twoyears renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and deliverables.
6. GenderMainstreaming:
TheAU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are     strongly encouraged to apply.

 7. Remuneration: Indicative basic salary of US $70,139.00per annum plus other related entitlements e.g. Post adjustment (46% of basicsalary), Housing allowance ($16,819.20 per annum), education allowance (75% oftuition and other education related expenses for every eligible dependent up toa maximum of US$7,800.00 per child per annum), etc for internationallyrecruited staff of the Commission.

Applicationsmust be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website not later than3rd March 2014.


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