Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Work Location:
Jordan - Amman
Other Possible Locations:
Expected Travel:
up to 30%
Language Requirement:
Fluency in English, proficiency in Arabic (both required)
Employee Duration:
Active Full-Time
Type of Post:
Accompanied - Family
*For U.S.-based positions, applicants who are not currently employed by CARE must be U.S. citizens or authorized to work in the United States.

 Our diversity is our strength; we encourage people from all 
backgrounds and experiences, particularly women, to apply.

CARE seeks a Senior Component Leader to contribute technical expertise to a USAID-funded, multi-year project that supports gender equality and female empowerment in addressing the social, political, and economic challenges Jordanian women and girls encounter.  This goal – and its associated objectives, intermediate results, tasks, and activities – are predicated on USAID’s definition of gender equality, elucidated in the Agency’s Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy
This project’s goal, reflecting USAID/Jordan’s Special Development Objective for gender equality and female empowerment, is manifest in three components:
The first component relates to expanding social dialogue on gender equality.  The Senior Component Leader will manage results-based delivery of this component by (i) facilitating a wide‐range of community dialogue activities and events; (ii) integrating gender‐sensitive messages in implementing partner events/materials; and (iii) increasing awareness and outreach on women’s rights and gender equality.
The second pertains to strengthening advocacy for female empowerment.  The Senior Component Leader will ensure this is achieved by i) building the capacity of Government of Jordan (GOJ) and non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) to strengthen mainstreaming of gender‐equality principles; (ii) strengthening the capacity of USAID and implementing partners to identify and reduce gender‐based gaps between males and females as an outcome of their programs; (iii) supporting advocacy efforts for policy and legislative reforms; and (iv) conducting in‐depth research and building the capacity for research.
The third emphasizes improving services for women and girls, especially for women, such as victims of GBV, rural women and women with disabilities, who experience barriers to accessing services. This component will be achieved principally through the integration of USAID Gender Program activities into other programs and projects across USAID’s portfolio.
Direct program implementation under this solicitation will focus mainly on components one and two. Substantial parts of component three will be achieved through other USAID activities and interventions.
The Senior Component Leader plays a critical role in implementing activities under the three components.  The ideal candidate will have experience in disemminating gender-transformative messages, while working on similar advocacy projects with USAID, and assisting service providers to more effectively target their business (or government) products and services to the diverse demands women and girls may have.
Specific duties and responsibilities include:

  • Facilitate dialogue opportunities.
  • Collaborate with existing USAID partners to incorporate gender‐sensitive messages and issues into their events and trainings.
  • Strengthen activities that address gender equality and female empowerment.
  • Avoid the term “gender”, viewed as a Western concept.
  • Use everyday words and phrases that promote changes and attitudes while respecting culture, religion and Arab traditions.
  • Understand why people behave the way they do.
  • Conduct results-based monioring: systematically and rigorously monitor and evaluate the social dialogue program.
  • Identify potential GOJ and CSO partners poised to carry out USAID Gender Program interventions.
  • Work with the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program.
  • Serve as a resource for USAID/Jordan staff and USAID implementing partners.
  • Ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, all USAID/Jordan programming fulfill the Agency’s gender equality goals.
  • Work with local communities, selected NGOs, think tanks, and research institutions.
  • Disseminate findings from targeted, in‐depth research and analyses.
  • Support and create sustainable safe spaces for women and girls, especially those living in compacted urban and peri‐urban communities in the northern governorates, where the majority of Syrian refugees reside.
  • Engage women and girls locally.
  • Focus on programming in the country’s poverty pockets (Tafileh and Ma’an).
  • Establish partnerships with the private sector and civil society.
  • A minimum of five years’ relevant experience in developing countries
  • Demonstrated experience in building constructive relationships between
  • government and civil society
  • Demonstrated experience in applying participatory methods
  • Demonstrated experience in gender-related activities
  • Understanding of Jordanian communities and the Jordanian political system
  • Demonstrated experience and knowledge in establishing procedures and systems relevant to the project
  • Demonstrated experience in conflict mitigation
  • A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
  • Fluency in English and Arabic


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