Monday, January 27, 2014

Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor (OLKM), Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Project, Liberia

Project/Proposal Summary: 
The anticipated USAID/Liberia CLA program will help to achieve the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) goal of “Strengthened Liberian Institutions Positioned to Drive Inclusive Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction” by strengthening USAID/Liberia’s monitoring, evaluation & learning capacities; improving USAID’s staff and organizational practices and aptitudes for learning and adaptation, coordination and collaboration within the Mission and with other key stakeholders; and, strengthening the Government of Liberia’s own capacity to monitoring and evaluate its own development programs falling under the 2012-2017 “Agenda for Transformation.”

Position Summary:
The OLKM Advisor will work with the Chief of Party, MSI home office Technical Director, the Mission M&E Advisor and the project’s CLA Trainer to lead the third component of the project: advancing USAID/Liberia’s learning agenda to guide program interventions.

This will be a full time position based in Monrovia, but will involve travel throughout Liberia, with an emphasis on the geographic focus counties identified in the Mission’s CDCS.

This position is open to Liberian nationals.

  • Lead consultations with implementing partners and other USAID stakeholders to better understand the design, causal pathways and implementation conditions underlying promising program results.
  • Lead the process of designing an organizational assessment of the Mission which will result in recommendations to improve USAID/Liberia’s appreciation of learning, adaptation and collaboration, leadership and management styles, time and meeting management, and other practices related to achievement of project components 2 and 3.
  • Identify national and regional individuals, firms, academic and research institutions and other organizations with the capacity to provide a wide range of specialized services to be sub-contracted under the project.
  • Identify and establish working relationships with national and regional academic and research institutions which would serve as part of a development learning and knowledge management community-of-practice to be developed by the project under the Advisor’s leadership.
  • Establish a network of key stakeholders and organize periodic opportunities for USAID to interact with representatives for the purpose of improving CDCS implementation learning and performance.
  • Foster contacts with other USAID Missions that are advancing similar programs to promote inter-Mission learning, e.g., USAID/Uganda.
  • Lead the non-technical design and content development of a new Mission portal for learning and KM – a community-of-practice for CLA.
Preference will be given to candidates with organizal learning and knowledge management experience in International Development. Private sector experience will be considered, provided it is obtained in a multi-cultural setting. Other requirements are:
  • Graduate (preferably PhD) degree in a field related to organizational learning and knowledge management, such as management, business administration, education, knowledge management, organizational development, etc.
  • At least 5 years of professional expertise and experience involving organizational learning and knowledge management.
  • Publication of articles on these topics in academic and/or professional journals.
  • Prior experience in international development, or work overseas in different cultural environments (ideally including Africa).
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English
  • Experience supervising staff and consultants.
  • Ability and willingness to mentor local staff.
  • Familiarity with USAID and/or other international development donors.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.


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