Sunday, January 5, 2014

Director Of Programmes

The Director of Nutrition, Health and Programme Quality will oversee and develop the health and nutrition sector within Concern Ethiopia and will guide the development of quality programme planning, programme development, monitoring and evaluation in health, nutrition and crossing cutting issues in line with Concern policies and standards of best practice and will assist in the development of CWE as a Learning Organization.

Deadline:               January 20,2014        
Location:               Addis Ababa with frequent travel to all programme sites
Organization:        Concern Worldwide
Responsible ForHealth and Nutrition Team, Livelihood Advisor, Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Equality Advisor, HIV/AIDS adviser. 

Liaises With: Liaises with donors, Government and other development actors, Regional Director, Desk Officer, Alliance partners and relevant advisors in HQ
Job Purpose: The Director of Nutrition, Health and Programme Quality will oversee and develop the health and nutrition sector within Concern Ethiopia and will guide the development of quality programme planning, programme development, monitoring and evaluation in health, nutrition and crossing cutting issues in line with Concern policies and standards of best practice and will assist in the development of CWE as a Learning Organization. The Director will ensure that CWE maintains and develops its role and profile as a lead agency in Nutrition and Cross-cutting issues within Ethiopia and is recognised for this role locally and internationally. 

Main Duties & Responsibilities:
Senior Management:
  •  Assist the CD and ACDP in the management of the country programme through involvement in the decision making process
  •  Contribute to the review and roll out of the Country Strategic Plan
Programme Development and Funding
  •  Develop major new Programme Proposals in the area of Nutrition for all of CONCERN Ethiopia’s areas of operation
  •  Provide support to programme staff in the development of donor proposals in compliance with relevant donor guidelines for proposals related to Nutrition and cross cutting issues
  • Develop and implement innovative strategies for the funding of cross-cutting and mainstreaming issues within all CONCERN programmes
  • Support Concern’s emergency Nutrition Response Projects by providing technical advice and guidance on technical issues and proposal development as appropriate
  • Identify potential sources of donor funding and liaise with such donors in an effort to secure new and continuing funding for programmes
Organizational Learning and Development
  • Ensure that all health and nutritional departments and programme advisers deliver a high quality programming that is compliant with best practice as outlined by Concern Worldwide and National Ethiopian Government guidelines and policies.
  • Guide the integration of nutrition within Integrated Programmes and in liaison with the livelihoods team develop strategies for Nutrition sensitive approaches in all CWE Programmes
  • Oversee the development and roll-out of policies and strategies for the cross-cutting issues of HIV/AIDS, DRR, equality and accountability in collaboration with the team
  • Develop and maintain strong relationships with all ACs, Advisors and Programme Managers and provide direction, support and advice in programme design and proposal development for the Nutrition sector and all cross cutting issues.
  • Identify and incorporate new ways of programming to improve Concern’s programme impact and direct Concern and partners in the design and implementation of new programming approaches
Accountability, Learning and Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Direct the roll out of Accountability mechanisms  and ensure that procedures are understood and implemented in all programmes
  • Ensure all programmes, systems and cross cutting issues conduct annual learning reviews
  • Develop processes and ensure budgets are allocated for in depth research and publications across all sectors
  • Support the Programme managers and advisers in ensuring that  mechanisms are in place for monitoring and ensuring downward accountability
  • Provide support to programmes and ensure that all partners have a clear understanding of PME requirements and incorporate them in programme design and implementation.
  • Seek opportunities for Concern Ethiopia to contribute to Concern WW’s organisational learning through participation in relevant workshops trainings and liaison with SAL
  • Direct, advise and support the work of all programme staff and partners in a participatory approach in compliance with Concern Worldwide and Concern Ethiopia policies, systems and processes
  • Ensure that all programmes in nutrition and cross cutting sectors meet appropriate standards in terms of design and are in compliance with government guidelines and requirements of Concern Worldwide’s Project Cycle Management system 
Partner Direction
  • Assist the Senior Management team in the development of key Strategic Partnerships within Ethiopia
  • Provide direction and support for partners and Concern on the inclusion of all mainstreaming issues in Programme design and implementation. 
  • Assist partners in conducting relevant research and assessments.
  • With the Country Director to develop strong links with Alliance 2015 partners and if appropriate design and implement joint programmes
  • Assist with the recruitment of related programme staff
  • Support in staff development, by assisting with coaching and mentoring to enhance the capacity of staff and partners.
  • Monitor performance based on agreed job descriptions and ensure compliance with agreed objectives and all Concern policies
  • Ensure that information systems are in place to meet the information requirements of all stakeholders including the field HQ, Dublin and donors
  • Ensure all staff for whom ACD is responsible comply with all Concern policies – in particular Code of Conduct and P4 Policy.
  • Represent Concern at inter-agency, and coordination meetings pertaining to the nutrition and cross cutting programmes or when requested by CD
  • When appropriate, represent Concern  at all relevant government  meetings
  • Liaise with Concern Advisors in other locations, neighbouring countries and relevant staff in head office in Dublin, other INGOs, LNGOs and relevant government representatives 
Education, Qualifications & Experience Required:
  • MSc in public health or nutrition with experience of nutrition in an emergency/ development context.
  • Knowledge and experience of the CMAM (Community Management of Acute Malnutrition) approach for treatment of malnutrition as well as programmes addressing prevention of acute malnutrition.
  • At least 3-5 years experience in nutrition programming.
  • Knowledge & experience of technical nutrition aspects – assessments, surveillance, surveys, etc.
  • 3 years experience in a management position.
  • Good analytical, monitoring and evaluation skills and the ability to write good quality proposals and reports in English.
  • Excellent networking, representation and coordination skills – NGOs, UN and government agencies.
  • Good understanding of cross cutting issues- Gender, HIV and AIDS, DRR, etc. and how to integrate them into public health/ nutrition and  Integrated programmes.
  • Flexible, reliable, culturally sensitive and with the ability to work in teams/ isolated situations and stressful environments and under pressure meeting deadlines.
  • Initiative and be able to work with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to see the overall picture and provide strategic direction
  • Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation techniques
  • Experience of capacity building partners and implementing sustainable programmes
  • Experience in ensuring accountability to beneficiaries and mainstreaming
  • Excellent management/leadership experience
  • Proven analytical ability and proven track record in proposal and report writing
  • Good experience in networking, team building and mentoring
  • Knowledge of operational research in health and nutrition
  • Working with different donors such as OFDA/ USAID, EC, etc.
  • Financial management skills.
  • Experience of proposal preparation
  • Knowledge of programme implementation through National NGOs
  • Knowledge of PRA methodologies /tools and analysis frameworks
  • Experience of working in the Horn of Africa     
Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:
  • Empathy with organisational goals
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and patience with facilitation and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to surface and analyse problems and recommend solutions
  • Ability to work under pressure often to strict deadlines
  • Training, coaching and mentoring skills and ability to motivate and develop skills of others
All applications should be submitted through our website at by closing date 20thJanuary 2014. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.
All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline.


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